CCI4EU resource centre
Resources and guidance for professionals involved in developing the capacity of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures in EU Member States.
The resource centre assists with planning and implementing capacity building interventions as part of the CCI4EU project, which aims to ensure that 90% of cancer patients are treated in Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures by 2030.
How to use the resource centre
Target audiences
- Players involved in developing the capacity of Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructures (CCIs)
- Cancer Centre or hospital directors, programme coordinators and managers
- CCI4EU "deep dive" chairs, project managers and experts
The resources (under construction)
- A verified index of capacity building resources from CCI4EU project partners and related EU-funded initiatives
- All resources address capacity building challenges on one or several of the CCI4EU capacity building themes
Navigation (under construction)
- Visit one of the eight capacity building theme pages to find resources grouped according to theme
- You can also filter resources by topic or content type
- Or simply type a key word into the search box
Capacity building themes
Key resources
On-line courses and capacity building conferences
- Details of CCI4EU's 10 online courses and 3 capacity building conferences

e-ESO platform
- Learning platform providing free online oncology education
- Over 19,000 registered users
- Offers live e-sessions, podcasts and online courses in various formats
Maturity Model
- The CCI4EU maturity model guides CCIs on a step-by-step capacity building journey
- Following an initial assessment, CCIs work towards clearly defined "target states" for each theme