Comprehensive Cancer Centres (CCCs)
A Comprehensive Cancer Centre (CCC) is the hub within the Comprehensive Cancer Infrastructure (CCI) in each Member State.
The CCC takes into account cancer care in local and regional cancer centres (e.g. treatment close to home).
CCCs are structures certified in accordance with the criteria developed in the JA CraNE (which recognize OECI and DKH as CCC certification schemes).
A full overview of this topic is available on the OECI website.

Targets and maturity levels
- There are formally established (but yet not certified) CCC structures, constituted under a CCC Board
- The structures, institutions and networks of the future-certified CCC are within the scope of the CCI
- A CCC is certified based on the pan-European standards being developed in JA CraNE
Maturity level 1
- Initial discussions have taken place to define the CCC structure
Maturity level 2
- An overview of the CCC structure has been developed, potential partners identified and a first meeting has taken place
Maturity level 3
- There are formally established (but yet not certified) CCC structures, constituted under a CCC Board
- The structures, institutions and networks of the future-certified CCC are within the CCI scope
Maturity level 4
- The CCC is certified by existing certification schemes (OECI and DKH) or future "EU Certification Scheme" recognized within CraNE/EUnetCCC